文章导读 近年来,随着全球化以及多元文化带来的认同冲击等,世界各国逐渐加强对于公民素养的理论研究和实践探索,并通过开展跨国公民素养的比较调查和研究,以把握其公民素养在全球的位置水平,借鉴其他国家的优良经验。在众多的国际公民教育研究中,国际教育成就评价协会(International Association for the Evaluation of Education Achievement,简称IEA)组织的国际公民素养研究因其连续性和参与国家的广泛性而在国际学术界占有重要地位。IEA先后于1971年、1999年和2009年组织了三次国际公民素养研究项目,并先后发布《十国公民教育:一个经验研究》[1]、《28国的公民教育:十四岁时的公民知识与公民投入》等调研报告[2]和《ICCS2009国际报告:38国低年级中学生的公民知识、态度和参与》[3]。香港是唯一参与了1999年和2009年两次IEA国际公民素养研究项目的亚洲地区。
Abstract: In the new century, How about the level of civic literacy in Hong Kong middle school students in the background of globalization? Are there any changes compared with that of ten years ago? How often these students take part in public and political life and which factors are related to this? Are there any changes in identity of these students after 1997? This article compares two survey programs on civic literacy conducted by IEA and draws a conclusion that Hong Kong middle school students perform excellent in civic knowledge, participations and identities. Confronted the challenges of globalization, Hong Kong middle school students form multilevel identity. And school education plays a positive role in cultivation of students’ identities and formation of their values.
刘争先. 香港中学生的公民素养变迁 1999-2009——基于对IEA两次国际公民素养研究项目的比较[J]. 基础教育, 2014, 11(4): 105-112.
LIU Zheng-Xian. Changes of Civic Literacy of Middle School Students in Hong Kong:Analysis Based on two Civic Literacy survey programs of IEA. JSS, 2014, 11(4): 105-112.