文章导读 性教育作为普通教育的一部分,不仅影响着儿童个性的发展,同时作为人性潜能的一部分,有助于儿童和青少年发展必需的技能,使其能在不同的年龄阶段做出关于两性关系问题的正确抉择[1]。在性健康方面,世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处(WHO Regional Office for Europe)面临许多挑战:人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和其他性传播疾病的感染率上升、意外妊娠和性虐待等,这些都大大推动了公共领域中的性教育,并且呼吁对儿童进行性教育。欧洲诸国重视性教育,大多数西欧国家已有国家层面的性教育指导方针或最低标准,但没有欧洲或欧盟层面的统一标准。近年来,建立欧洲统一的性教育标准显得越来越有必要。为此,世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处和联邦健康教育中心(Federal Centre for Health Education,德语简称 BZgA)于2010年联合制定了欧洲性教育标准,试图为欧洲各国的政策制定者、教育和卫生机构以及专家们提供指导和参照。本文介绍了欧洲性教育标准出台的背景和过程,概括出该标准模型的主要内容,并就标准的主要特点作简要的分析,以期对中国性教育起到一定的借鉴作用。
1 欧洲性教育标准出台的背景和过程
欧洲各国教育趋同,高等教育方面有博洛尼亚进程 ,中小学教育也正在趋同化。而在性教育方面,大多数西欧国家已有国家层面的性教育指导方针或最低标准,但没有欧洲区域或欧盟层面的统一标准。近年来,建立欧洲统一的性教育标准显得越来越有必要。
Abstract:European countries attach more importance to sexuality education; moreover, sexuality education in different countries is developing differently, with different standards of sexuality education, which hinders all countries to learn from each other to improve sexuality education. In view of this, the WHO Regional Office for Europe and Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) issued Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe in 2010. The Sexuality Education Matrix stipulates the contents of sexuality education of 6 age brackets from information, skills and attitudes, proposes the concept of holistic sexuality education, redefines the age brackets of sexuality education, enriches the contents of sexuality education and emphasizes the link of each age bracket. We can learn something from this standard. In the future, our country should abandon the traditional idea of sexuality education, advocate holistic sexuality education, pay attention to the universality and practicability of the content of school sexuality education, teach students how to keep sexual health and prevent sexual assault in a positive and holistic way and pay attention to cultivate noble sexual morality and set up correct values.