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2021 Vol.18 Issue.2
Published 2021-04-06

5 Smarter Education is Leading the Way of Future Innovations of#br# School Education
ZHU ZHi-ting

Smarter education represents a future education paradigm which enables better development of learners through innovative process of teach ̄
ing and learning empowered by human ̄machine collaborative efforts. Problem ̄driven and ideology ̄leading are the dual driving forces for technology ̄enabling
educational transformations. Data wisdom? pedagogical wisdom and cultural wisdom build an “intelligent bridge” connecting data? information and knowl ̄
edge to wisdom. Six basic characteristics of wisdom education are identified with smarter education? namely “precision? individuality? collaboration? opti ̄
mization? thinking and creation”. Pursuing smarter education must lead to systematic changes of future schools which could be prospected in four aspects?
including environment construction? instructional mode? learning evaluation and school modality.

2021 Vol. 18 (2): 5-20 [Abstract] ( 503 ) [HTML 1KB] [ PDF 5069KB] ( 6445 )





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